
Need a website?

Do you have a product or service? Having a website today is a necessity. When was the last time you purchased anything without looking it up first?

Have a website?

Is your current website working for you? Do you want an updated and fresh new look? Lets chat and plan a new look for your online presence.

Web App Development

Font-end and back-end web development and design, from wireframes and UI/UX design, to Full Stack Web Applications.

All Services Include

A consultation, a proposal, creation and testing of project, launch, and on-going support.

Latest Projects

Accelerated Results Fitness Cookbook

**This app is hosted by Heroku, but I am looking for a new place for it this weekend.**

Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, EJS, & MongoDB

A fully responsive website where users can login, see healthy recipes, add their own recipes, meal plan, add items to a grocery list, and comment on other recipes.

Sunset Styles

Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript

A fully responsive and beautiful website for an on trend full-service salon.


Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, & MongoDB

A fully responsive website where users can login, add pets to their dashboard, and add any tasks they need to do for them!

Demo Info: Email: Password: testtest

Inertia Wealth Management

Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node, Express, & MongoDB, this site is live but is in the process of being updated

A fully responsive website for a financial planning group offering planning and education for individuals or employers.

MVC Lecture

About - A slide and video presentation showing how MVC can be applied in applications

Cincinnati Star Gazers

Tech Stack - HTML, CSS, Javascript

A website built and powered by NASA APIs to view and learn about beautiful imagery taken of the cosmos.